War Of Ideologies — Modi Vs AK
An Unstoppable Force Meets An Immovable Object
(Few Reasons Why Modi is the Modern Day Gandhi, And Kejriwal the Modern Day Bhagat Singh)
The War Has Just Begun....
(Few Reasons Why Modi is the Modern Day Gandhi, And Kejriwal the Modern Day Bhagat Singh)
Battle Of Varanasi is Over, but the WAR is still On!
Gandhi Vs Bhagat Singh has always remained country's hottest debate since ages. Both were great personalities and they gave two distinct ideologies which is being followed by various people today. Gandhi believed in Ahimsa and Non-Violence where as Bhagat Singh had a straight forward approach to achieve goals irrespective of the nature of the method whether through Violence or Non-Violence. Without any comparison, both ideologies have their own pros and cons and it's a never ending debate which can go on and on to prove which ones better than the other.
Talking about Arvind Kejriwal and Narendra Modi, It is possible to admire both. Just because one admires Modi, doesn't mean Kejriwal is a Media Creation, A Closet Naxalite and the clandestine captain of Congress's B team. Likewise, just because Kejriwal is your messiah, doesn't mean Modi is corrupt and communal. Both work on a distinct ideologies, but if you will closely observe you will come to know that Modi works on Gandhian principle though he is a big admirer of Sardar Patel whereas AK have a rather fast approach just like Bhagat Singh. Without comparing each one of the modern leaders with the two Legends of the yesteryear's, this post is written just based on a general observation according to me and this may differ from person to person.
Like Bhagat Singh, AK is a selfless patriot who started his revolution alone and later like minded people joined in. He believes in People's Rule. Just Like Bhagat Singh, who came on to the scene in 1929 (assembly bombing), AK came on to the scene after Anna Hazare's India Against Corruption Movement also called August Kranti. AK follows the principle's of Ahimsa and Non Violence, just like Bhagat Singh who came to lime light when he used non co-operation and satyagraha (fasting) when he was in jail protesting bad treatment of Indian prisoners. AK also have fasted for people's benefit. Though Bhagat Singh killed only one man in his life, Saunders; but he resisted from doing so when he threw bombs in the parliament, the bombs were thrown in unoccupied areas. His War was against the British Raj and he did not want to kill Indians. Like Bhagat Singh, AK wants a Complete Solution for all problems call it Corruption, Poverty, Women Safety. The Principle of Poorna Swaraj.
On the other hand, Narendra Modi is an extraordinary man with simple basic values. A man with strong vision, who builds stuff, a man with a dream and vision for India. He makes great impact on the people with his power talks, just like Mahatma Gandhi. A first rate orator who deeply cares for his country & people. He is someone who is a true patriot, who will not let China, Pakistan and even tiny Maldives make us look like idiots, like we are being made to, under the watch of the Family.
I doubt if many countries would want to try out terrorism/intrusions as a tactic with Narendra Modi as the leader of India. I doubt if there is better person to represent India in a room with giant sharks like Obama, Putin and/or Nawaz Sharif. Modi is as good as them and despite his "Poor English", he can string it with the best that there is. India and business is going to bloom under Modi, its an undeniable fact.
But Modi believes only in development without focusing on the core termites like Corruption, Black Money, Scams, etc. Whereas Arvind Kejriwal sole priorities are to eliminate these termites, through which he believes India can become a powerful country. Now Only if Modi gives more priorities to these important aspects, it would be much easier for him to progress in his development plans.
Arvind Kejriwal is also someone who enjoys the trust and confidence of the republic. Only a tyro will deny the fact that he owes his messianic rise to sheer guts. Both are superstars in their own right and their ideological battle is going to take India to the next level. Their clash is going to transform India and wash out other parties. It is something to celebrate for only when there are credible choices, Democracy starts to show its transformative prowess.
Both AK & Modi are charismatic, with each public appearance the level of their charisma usually goes up. That means they garner peoples' attention almost everywhere they go. They have delivered what they have promised in their respective election manifestos and they have had to stand up and "grow" through or against many scandals and allegations.
Arvind Kejriwal has become an iconic figure in Indian Politics. He is destined to rise to primus-inter-pares one day; However, for now, the TriColour awaits the imminent rise of the lionheart chosen as the Prime Minister Of India, who once sold tea as a boy in Vadnagar. With Delhi Elections coming up, it would be interesting to see AAP vs BJP again in the Battle of Delhi. No matter who ever wins or loses, we will have to wait for few years to pass curiously to know who will sustain and who will perish. But lets hope both the Ideologies work together or in their respective spectrum to bring about a change in the country.