Break The Internet — Kim Kardashian
An Advice For All the Girls On Facebook & Instagram
Kim Kardashian — OK, I honestly never ever wanted to write an article on her or something related to her. But this filthy photo-shoot of Kim Karsashian have forced me to do so. Not that it's the first time we have seen Kim in a Nude Avatar, it might be the 3,456,466,699,754,001 time we are seeing #KimKardashian 's body parts for sure. But today i want to pen down few of my thoughts regarding this. This article is not just for Kim Kardashian, but it's for all those girls on social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc who love their body and are pretty confident in showing it proudly. Let's get real for a minute or two, shall we ?
I Believe All the girls in this world are beautiful and they can always look up to them in the mirror and feel proud of their body. But taking your half-naked pictures and then posting it on the social networking sites is so not cool. Doing so doesn't give a perception that you are some Victoria's Secret Lingerie Model, it just makes you look cheap, like your body is the only thing you got to offer. If you do a little bit of research on these social networking site, only those pictures which are of Naked/Half-Naked women will get Loads of Likes & Comments. Doing so doesn't increases your value, but instead it decreases your self esteem. Also you will attract only those people who like to see more of your body then your true self. These people don't really care about you. So don't be in an impression that you are earning lots of fans and followers, as these people are liking your pics on for some cheap thrill and entertainment.
My Humble Advice to all of you beautiful girls is, if you really like to take your pictures, don't post it online. Just keep it to yourself, or if you really want the world to see your beauty, try becoming a professional model. This way you will increase your self-esteem and your integrity.
PS: This article is not written to hurt anyone's sentiments. It's written to empower women in a more honest and correct manner and to make women know about their true power of Self Esteem & Integrity.